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Mulch is pasteurised and semi-composted organic material that has been selected for its ability to provide mulching properties. Bio-Organics’ mulches help to stop weeds, save water and improve the look of your garden.

Bio-Organics’ coarser mulches have been successfully used on site where conventional erosion control methods have not performed well.

Benefits of Bio-Organics’ Mulch:

  • Reduced moisture loss, thus extending the intervals between watering;
  • Reduced weed growth, lowering general garden maintenance;
  • Prevents high soil temperatures that can damage the roots of shallow rooting plants

When to use Mulch:

Mulch can be used at any time of the year, however, applying before the heat of summer will achieve the best results of moisture retention. All year application is recommended as soil mulching improves the condition of the soil thus providing a better growing environment for all plants.

Elegant Mulch

Elegant Mulch

Provides a neat, delicate look for courtyards and formal gardens. This product gradually provides nutrition to the soil as it breaks down.

Enviro Mulch

Enviro Mulch

Provides an economical option for the average garden, without turning to manures. This mulch provides your garden with the nutrients it requires as is break downs at a slow, consistent rate.

Digger Mulch

Digger Mulch

With a larger particle size, this mulch increases water porosity allowing it to get down to where it’s needed. Digger Mulch has a darkened finish to make your project look spectacular!