Garden Calendar | Volume Calculator

Products: SUMMER
December - Feburary
March - May
June - August
September - November

Ensure your watering system is working as intended over Summer. Harvest Summer fruit & vegies. Water fruit trees less frequently but for longer to encourage deep roots.

Adjust your watering system to incorporate the cooler weather.
Plant Strawberries and vegies such as peas & beans. Tidy up the garden ready for Mother's Day!
Plant apple trees,pears & vines. Prune & spray your fruit trees. Clean up your garden beds while most plants are inactive.
Check that your watering system is still working as you require it to.
Magic Lawn Dress Ensure your lawn mower blades aren't cropping your lawn too closely. This could damage the grass in hot weather.
Sow lawn seed on any
bald patches that have
developed over summer. Ensure that your lawn will drain well through Winter.
Aerate your lawn. Use a fork if you don't have an aerator. NOW IT IS TIME!
For the best results it is
best to apply our
Magic Lawn Dress after
the Winter rains.
Elegant, Digger &
Native Mulches
Our wetting agent in all
our mulches will ensure
your gardens retain water longer keeping your plants cooler in the Summer heat.
Use our Mulches to bed down weeds and keep the soil warm for the winter.
Applying our Mulches at the end of Winter will ensure your garden is protected from the heat soon to come. Of course, you can apply it any time of the year you choose.
Watch as your garden thrives through Spring as all the nutrients and goodness in our Mulches slowly release.
Soils Water your lawns and garden beds at night or early morning to reduce evaporation losses and to avoid scorching.
NOW IT’S TIME to use our Soils to rejuvenate your garden after the summer growing season.
Toward the end of Winter it is time to prepare your garden for Spring planting.
Set out to work on landscaping and general tidy ups while the weather is still cool.